
New Computer Setup

Computer installation services for homes and offices

Computer Setup Services to Ensure Everything Works Seamlessly

If you’re planning on purchasing your first or upgraded computer or printer for your home but don’t feel like dealing with the hassle of getting it all set up – or don’t know how to – the team at Edmonton Tech Support is ready to assist you. Edmonton Tech Support is an IT support team that can help you with any internet-connected device. We can set up and install and configure computers, upgrade existing hardware, load software, install new equipment, and connect any other devices. This may include the home internet or office internet. This is to ensure everything is correctly coordinated. For added convenience, we’ll also provide you with an introduction to your new computer machine or printer to ensure you know how to get started.

Ready to schedule a computer setup with our experts? Contact Edmonton Tech Support today.

Types of Setups We Provide

Unboxing or Setting up a new equipment set up can be time-consuming and frustrating. So many cords, various settings, and confusing software can be annoying. Leave it to our computer experts and rest assured that your new computer setup will be handled professionally.

We offer the following computer setup and installation services:

New Computer Installation – Congrats on your new purchase! We are sure you are anxious to get your new system up and running and enjoy all the advanced features it offers. Our local IT team can handle every step of the installation process from installing hardware. This includes putting the pieces together and connecting them to other devices to get it up and running.

Software Installation – Once your new system is up and running, you’ll have to install and run the new software that may include operating system installation or an application installation. Whether it’s basic or advanced, allow the Edmonton Tech Support technicians to professionally install it so that everything operates as it should and you are protected from viruses and other risks.

Printer Installation & Set-Up Services – Did you get a new printer or need to hook up an old printer to a new computer? Edmonton Tech Support can help you with both! Printers can be especially frustrating because there are very specific driver and hardware settings to align to ensure smooth functionality. Edmonton TEch Support team will ensure that your printer works seamlessly with your computer.

If you’ve recently bought a new device and aren’t sure where to begin, call on our tech experts. We can even un-box and inspect your new system and ensure you have everything you need to get started.

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